About The 10th ICMV 2017,  Vienna, Austria

Group Photos (Nov. 13 & Nov. 14)

The 10th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2017) was held during November 13-15, 2017 successfully  in Vienna, Austria at Fleming´s Conference Hotel Wien. This year, the conference received more than 171 submissions. After the strict double blind review, only 97 good papers were accepted and published in SPIE conferece proceedings vol. 10696. Acceptance rate 56.7%.

The ICMV 2017 aimed to present the latest research and results of scientists (Professors, students, PhD Students, engineers, and post-doctoral scientists) related to Machine Vision. It provided opportunities for the delegates of different areas to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations, and to find global partners for future collaboration. About 123 participans joint and shared the latest reseach.

The conference program was highlighted by five Keynote Speakers: Prof. Antanas Verikas, Halmstad University, Sweden; Prof. Petia Radeva, University of Barcelona, Spain; Prof. Dmitry Nikolaev, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, RAS (IITP RAS), Russia; Prof. Dr. Petra Perner (IAPR Fellow), Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, Germany; Prof. Alexander Bernstein, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Russia.

Session Group Photos


After the opening ceremony and plenary speech, the conference was continued with eight parallel sessions: - Pattern Recongnition;-Target Defection and Tracking;-Image Transformation and Segementation; -Video Processing and Technology;-Machine Vision and Visualization;-Image Analysis and Image System;-Image Processing Technicals and Methods;-Information System and Image Application.

Winners of Best Oral Presentation of Sessions

One best presentation was selected from each session, evaluated from: originality; applicability; technical Merit; qualities of PPT; English. The best one was announced and awarded the certificate at the end of each Session. Congratulations to all of them below.

Oral Presentations. Please contact with secretary@icmv.org

"We sincerely invite you and your colleagues immediately mark this event on your calendar and make your plans to Paris, France!"
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