17th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2024) was held in Edinburgh, UK on October 10-13, 2024. ICMV conference is sponsored by University of Stuttgart, Heriot-Watt University, co-sponsored by University of Barcelona, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, supported by Aberystwyth University, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Sfax University, etc.
We received near 130 submissions around the world, after several rounds of review, there are about 54 submissions accepted for presentation by the conferences. The topics are including Computer Vision and Image Analysis, Image-Based Intelligent Detection Technology and Application, Image Segmentation and Intelligent Recognition, Digital Image Detection, Analysis and Calculation, Smart Solutions to Prevent Food Waste, Adversarial Machine Learning in Vision, Speech, and Text, Computer Vision and Image Analysis. Accepted, registered and presented papers have been published SPIE, which will be included in SPIE Digital Library.
This year, the conference chair-Prof. Wolfgang Osten from University of Stuttgart, Germany made the opening remarks. Local Chair-Prof. Wei Wang from Heriot-Watt University, UK delivered welcome address. conference chair-Prof. Petia Radeva from University of Barcelona, Spain delivered program address.
The conference were highlighted by 3 keynote speakers and 3 invited speakers, they are Prof. Jan Sijbers from University of Antwerp, Belgium; Prof. Harald Schenk from Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS) in Dresden, Germany; Prof. Raimondo Schettini from University of Milano Bicocca, Italy; Prof. Vijayakumar Anand from University of Tartu, Estonia; Prof. Richard Kowarschik, from Institute of Applied Optics & Biophysics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany; Prof. Daniel Claus, from Swiss Optic Group AG, Switzerland; Prof. Alexander Bertz, from Gruppenleiter Geometrische Inline-Messsysteme stellv. Abteilungsleiter Produktionskontrolle Fraunhofer IPM, Germany.
One best presentation will be selected from each session, evaluated from: originality; applicability; technical merit; qualities of PPT; English. The best one will be announced at the end of each Session. They are: