About The 14th ICMV 2021,  Virtual Conference

Welcome all of you to join 2021 The 14th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2021), which was held between the 8th and 12nd of November 2021. If we consider all the challenges that such a more or less anonymous event causes, then we can still conclude that the 14th ICMV was a successful event again. More than 80 participants took actively part on the 11 sessions across the 4 conference days. ICMV 2021 was continue the impressive tradition and serve as a vital global platform, gathering scholars, social partners, other stakeholders to exchange ideas and best practices. For 4 days, there were amazing speeches, interesting presentations, and engaging discussions on future challenges in expertise of machine vision.

This year, the conference got 110 submissions. After several rounds of double blind review procedure, the program committees accepted only 57 papers and published in the SPIE proceedings. Acceptance rate 51.8%. For the structure of that volume we used a more simplified classification into 5 topics: 1 – Machine Vision Principles and Methods, 2 – Machine Vision Applications, 3 – Machine Learning, 4 – Computational Imaging, and 5 – Big Data. Now published papers are online here SPIE Vol. 12084. https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/search?term=ICMV+2021&SSO=1, successfully indexed by Web of SCI-ISI, EI Compendex and SCOPUS.

We would like to thank all the people who have helped us along the way of this big adventure. It definitely takes a village to raise a conference! Special thanks are extended to Technical committee members for their hard work of thorough review of all the submissions, which is vital to the success of the conference, and also to the members in the organizing committees, track chairs, and the volunteers who had dedicated their time and efforts in planning, promoting, organizing and helping the conference.

The conference chair Prof. Wolfgang Osten addressed the opening. Then the conference co-chair Prof. Johan Debayle chaired the morning sessions.

We started again with 3 invited lectures given by recognized international experts in machine vision. Dr. Ferraro from the Institute of Applied Sciences & Intelligent Systems in Naples reported about “Learning strategies for the recognition and classification of micro-objects through holographic footprints”. In his talk he discussed the impressive advantages of digital holographic microscopes for the identification of single biological cells and microplastics pollutions in water. The second invited talk was given by Dr. Vittorio Murino from the University of Verona, Italy. In his talk entitled with “Multimodal scene understanding leveraging acoustic images” he emphasized the advantage of a multimodal approach for feature recognition in acoustic images. Finally, Dr. Konstantin Bulatov from the Russian Academy of Sciences reported in his invited talk “Anytime algorithms of machine vision” about a class of algorithms that can return a valid solution to a problem even if the event is interrupted before it ends. The algorithm is expected to find better and better solutions the longer it keeps running. Some examples from OCR and computed tomography illustrated the benefit of that approach for machine vision.

There are going to be 5 special sessions and 5 technical sessions, with topic of Special sessions respectively are Camera Based and Mobile Recognition, Computer Optics Journal, Advanced Imaging and Tomography, Machine Vision for Autonomous Vehicles, New Methods and Applications for Multimedia Security; while the 5 technical session topics are Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Image Forensics and Identification, 3D-Vision, Machine Learning, Image Processing Methods.
One best presentation will be selected from each session, evaluated from: originality; applicability; technical Merit; qualities of PPT; English. The best one will be announced at the end of each session. Certificates and receipts will be emailed to you after conference. Congratulation extends to authors below:

Special Session I: Camera Based and Mobile Recognition
Rajeshreddy Datla
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India
Special Session II: Advanced Imaging and Tomography
Mark Griguletskii
Evocargo LLC, Russia
Special Session III: Machine Vision for Autonomous Vehicles
Arild Madshaven
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Special Session IV: New Methods and Applications for Multimedia Security
Yuliya Vybornova
Samara National Research University, Russia
Special Session V: Computer Optics Journal
Yamaev Andrei
RAS, Russia
Session I: Deep Learning
Boris Lorbeer
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Session 2: Computer Vision
Valeria Efimova
ITMO University, Russia
Session 3: Image Forensics and Identification, 3D-Vision
Robin Deléarde
Université de Paris, France
Session 4: Machine Learning
Farnoush Zohourian
Duisburg-Essen University, Germany
Session 5: Image Processing Methods
Karim Ben Alaya
Pannon Egyetem, Hungary


If you need more presentation photo, please contact with secretary@icmv.org

"We sincerely invite you and your colleagues immediately mark this event on your calendar and make your plans to Paris, France!"
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